My philosophy...

'The road to success is a painful journey through the Wilderness with various obstacles man has to overcome. The journey has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but man will rise victorious eventually. The human body is designed to deal with everything you throw at it; never give up fighting and you will never lose the fight.'

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

A series of unfortunate events = despair

Well I haven't had much luck with this session at all this week. I wanted to do it on Monday, but instead had to do the Fartlek session at School and then head straight off to a Cricket match (which we lost!). That's why I didn't to this session on Monday if you were wondering why. Anyway, no problems at all as I could do that session today. Well at least I thought I could, and I was going to use a nice loop round the houses and river which was flattish and fast. Walking back from School however, this path was blocked off and this presented a major problem as the only way I could get past was by going into the river! Major problem number one encountered but that wasn't going to stop me doing the session, and so I decided to do the same course as last week. So after a good warm up with strides etc, I was good to go.
First Rep: Very, very strong headwind which made running really tough. Not to mention the big hill which takes a hell of a lot out of both your legs and lungs. Still, a good first km by all accounts in 3:39.
Second Rep: Again into the wind and another really tough climb. My legs felt a little jaded as I tried to run hard off the top of the hill but I still felt to be on for a good time. But then I saw it ahead, blocking the road, a massive digger next to a sign saying road closed! I couldn't believe this so, after a few seconds of messing around, I turned round and decided to run where I'd came from to top the effort up to a km, which ended up being 3:43 (including few seconds messing around).
Third Rep: After the last effort, I didn't really know what to do, as heading for home would only mean I would get 4 efforts in. Alternativley I could run another one out into the headwind and then one back. No thanks I thought. I ran back towards home and then turned at a sign. Not a bad rep at all, 3:37 in fact.
Fourth Rep: The last one I decided. Seeing that digger really had knocked the stuffing out of me as it practically destroyed the session. So I went, up the hill and to the bad junction where I had to check for traffic, although I was so angry I felt like just running on for the hell of it and taking one for the team. The Garmin countdown timer eventually came, 5...4...3...2...1. I look at my watch and 3:45 is dominating the screen. I feel disappointed, but relieved to have got at least 4 efforts in, and I don't even feel tired which is the most annoying thing. Someone obviously didn't want me to do this session!
So a frustrating day all in all. Still, some good times recorded on the efforts which I actually wasn't interrupted on by hills or junctions or tossers sat in diggers doing nothing (oops!). Life goes on and to compensate for the bad luck I've had, I went for a nice 3 mile off road run meaning 6 in total for the day and 28 for the week so far. I feel as though I will definitley do this session on a Monday from now on, as my legs weren't ready to smash the reps out after a rest day yesterday. Surely tomorrow can't go wrong now after the number of misfortunes I've had today!

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