My philosophy...

'The road to success is a painful journey through the Wilderness with various obstacles man has to overcome. The journey has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but man will rise victorious eventually. The human body is designed to deal with everything you throw at it; never give up fighting and you will never lose the fight.'

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Low impact!

Yesterday I went over on my ankle, badly. Not as badly as I did earlier in the season during a Fartlek session in Skipton Woods but there is considerable swelling. I put this down to the fact that I hadn't descended on the fells for ages now and so my ankles were a little weak. My descending was awful in fact, but I hope that is something that will come back to me soon. Today I went on the Cross Trainer at the gym for half an hour just to get a bit of aerobic stuff in whilst not putting any weight or running through the ankle. I felt very strong/fit which is a good sign for what's to come. What is to come?
You may wonder what's caused me to shy away from my original schedule. To put it simply, I contacted Keith Anderson (ex British Champion) a couple of weeks ago and he rung me yesterday morning. He gave lots of advice about particular sessions and what I should do and consequently I have changed the non racing phase completley(!). It now has much more threshold stuff involved, with an emphasis on speed endurance. I will be starting this on Saturday (day after tomorrow) and hense the schedule starts on a Saturday:

Saturday: Long Run - (8/9 miles or 1 and a half hours)
Sunday: Bike out to Sharphaw, Either 10 minute ascent and descent @ threshold, rest for 3 minutes x 3 or 6 minutes ascent and descent @ threshold, rest for 1 minute x 5, then bike back.
Monday: 5/6 x 1k @ 10k race pace (3.40-3.50/km) off one minute recovery with appropriate warm up/warm down.
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 1 mile warm up, then 4.5 miles of Fartlek (with short fast bursts) followed by 0.5 mile warm down.
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 10 mins x 4/5 @ threshold off 2 mins recovery with appropriate warm up/warm down.
This will go alongside, as before, lots of core work and the racing schedule will be worked out in due course.

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