Well, I was going to do today's session in the afternoon, but got bored of waiting around and so set off at around 11am. It's a stunning day out there, but very very warm. Hydration was going to be a major problem and this became apparent from the start when my mouth became dry very quickly.
Today I had 12 x 150m hill sprints down on the schedule. There is a hill round the back of my house which is a real belter. Very runnable and great for doing hill sprints on yet steep and bracing with a flat top for the final sprint to the line. The hill is however a little longer 150m, at least 200m if not a tad more. As the hill is very close to my house, the warm up was short and the session was underway very quickly. The sweltering heat really took its toll early on, or maybe I just felt knackered because I hadn't ran for nearly 3 weeks?
My legs felt sluggish and cold on the first 5 efforts, but then began to warm up as the cogs began to tick over. I recorded the time for the first effort as 44 seconds which was surprising, in fact incredible as it's my fastest by some considerable distance ever on this session. Despite having set such a good first time, I felt as though that pace wasn't sustainable and it certainly wasn't comfortable. I was therefore delighted to record a 52 seconds on the 7th effort and 46 on the last effort. Result!
To be honest, I'm really surprised at how I ran today. I was expecting a sluggish, unpolished and slow performance. Instead I got a shiny,improving and pleasing performance which left me feeling really good about the next few weeks. The heat got to me a little psychologically but not physically. The recovery is definitley a little worse off than before I began the rest period, but this was perhaps because I was running faster. One thing that's certain is that this will get better as I regain my fitness. The only slight disappointment is the fact that the hill was so close to my house and therefore I only managed 4 miles rather than the 5 intended. No worries though, I'll run 4 miles easy tomorrow rather than 3!
Monday, 12 April 2010
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