My philosophy...

'The road to success is a painful journey through the Wilderness with various obstacles man has to overcome. The journey has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but man will rise victorious eventually. The human body is designed to deal with everything you throw at it; never give up fighting and you will never lose the fight.'

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

The square root of 16 is...

4 I hear you shout.
Square is very relevant when describing the session I did today. The top field at School is square and so it has its lines painted in a square shape. I used these lines to produce an interesting and challenging speed session today which consisted of: Run 1 side of the square hard, jog the base easy. Run 1 side and the top hard, jog 1 side and the base easy. Run 2 sides and the top hard, jog 2 sides and the base easy. Run the whole square hard, jog the whole square easy. This may sound complicated but in reality it isn't and if you saw it you would definitley understand what I'm waffling on about. Perhaps you can even visualise it now! Anyway, one would of course be too easy, so this was to be completed 4 times - hense the square root of 16 - 4! After half a mile of warming up, I was raring to go.
I generally felt pretty good throughout and began to find the legs for the job in hand (ie running fast) towards the 3rd and 4th set. The session went surprisingly quickly as I was always focusing on the next effort and taking each one as it came rather than, as with a normal interval session, being overwhelmed by the number of efforts to come. The efforts varied in length, from the shortest (one side of the square) being around 90m to a full lap of the square around 350m. I did time the full square (350m ie. very last effort) on the last set and set a pleasing 58 seconds. My only slight complaint about the session was that I did not feel fully hydrated. This came as no surprise however baring in mind I hadn't drunk since Breakfast and I was doing this session at 2pm!
After refuelling and recovering, I was out under the setting Sun (6pm) for a lovely half an hour trot to top the mileage up. I set off at a reasonable pace and felt superb; hilly, flat, muddy or tarmac, I handled everything very well and as a result the pace became brisker and brisker. As I hit the 20 minutes mark I decided to tone things down a little and focus on warming down after the day's training. With this, the mileage for the week crept just above 20 miles. With another similar day's graft on Friday, I will hit that 30 mile mark I have been seeking since I set out on Sunday.

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