My philosophy...

'The road to success is a painful journey through the Wilderness with various obstacles man has to overcome. The journey has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but man will rise victorious eventually. The human body is designed to deal with everything you throw at it; never give up fighting and you will never lose the fight.'

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Easy run? No such thing!

After the hard race yesterday, my legs were pretty tired this morning. I therefore thought a steady 8 miler over different terrains (road, towpaths and farm tracks) should do just the trick. So, I programmed the Garmin Virtual Partner (tells you if your ahead or behind your set goal) in for 8 miles in an hour (7 mins 30 per mile) which seemed reasonable for a steady paced run, taking into account I would be running over terrain which is not as fast as the tarmac. About a mile in however, I felt incredibly strong and kicked on. I felt to be flying and although my legs were a little dead on the climbs, my leg speed felt great even on the muddy, grassy canal towpath. I got back home having done 7.18 miles (a little short of the target of 8 miles) but had done it in 47.20! Not bad considering a good 2.5 of the miles were on muddy off road and completley energy sapping. This left me with a pace of 6.36 per mile which I was delighted with. I topped the distance up to 8 with a jog warm down. A great weekend's running! A couple of days off now to let the body recover before a big session on Wednesday.

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