My philosophy...

'The road to success is a painful journey through the Wilderness with various obstacles man has to overcome. The journey has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but man will rise victorious eventually. The human body is designed to deal with everything you throw at it; never give up fighting and you will never lose the fight.'

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

The big'un!

Having had a hard weekend's running and a big race coming up on Saturday, I decided to put in a really solid day's training today. I had been building up to it it since Sunday and after 'ooing and arring' as to what I should actually do, I decided on intervals to be run faster than race pace at 2 minutes each with 1 minute recovery jog. Feeling very energetic this morning, I went with my original idea of 14 efforts therefore leaving me with 42 minutes of hard training. To top things up to an hour, I had an 8 minute warm up and 10 minute warm down.
The sheer thought of having to do another 13 efforts after the first one is a big challenge to overcome. The session went very well and progressed nicely. The garmin decided to play up a little and so had my average pace varying from 5.55 to 6.34 between efforts, but I would say the day's total distance was around 7.5 miles (despite Garmin making it 7). I felt particularly strong on the last couple where I really felt to push on through the pain barrier giving me the maximum effects from a bloody hard session!
The terrain was off road varying from muddy fields to woodland tracks and contained a few short but stiff climbs. As a consequence of some uneven stuff, I managed to go over on my ankle a couple of times which is now very swollen. I hope this will be alright for Saturday.
What's going down on Saturday? It's the next round of the English Schools qualifying. I will be running for Harrogate and Craven after finishing 6th in the area championships at the end of November. Top 6 will get me into North Yorkshire for the English National Schools in Manchester. Failing that, I will have to settle for top 15 where I would qualify for North Yorkshire to run in Durham against a couple of other areas. Top 6 will be a tall order given that I'm competing against the year above but Hey! anything is possible.

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