My philosophy...

'The road to success is a painful journey through the Wilderness with various obstacles man has to overcome. The journey has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but man will rise victorious eventually. The human body is designed to deal with everything you throw at it; never give up fighting and you will never lose the fight.'

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Technology...what a let down!

I've become quite dependent on the Garmin nowadays. Considering I paid £120 for it, I want to get my money's worth, quite understandably. For the hard sessions I've done lately it has been imperative. On the current schedule, I could probably do all of the sessions without it and with a standard stopwatch, except the km reps. If I have it though, which I do, I use it and it is completley essential for the session I had planned today.
I woke up with a different attitude to last night towards the rep session. I wanted to hit the country roads which, despite undulating, are really good to run on. So I got warmed up and turned the Garmin on...Off it went. I click the on button again...Off it goes. I couldn't believe it - I'd made sure the Garmin was fully charged when I set off so it's either well and truly buggered or it turned itself on in my bag and the battery has run down. I would find out if I had brought the charger with me! Yep I'm without a charger, and I haven't even got the backup plan of a stopwatch so today's session has been cancelled. I'd rather do this session later in the week and get it right. So, I've got 4 hard sessions to do in 5 days now - tough times!
On a more positive note, as I was already in my running gear, I went for a steady couple of miles on part of the route I was going to take. These miles made up for the couple I lost in the long run yesterday by doing 6 as opposed to 8. I actually felt very good today - I picked up where I finished yesterday's run; strongly. So tomorrow I still think I'll go for the rep session, although it depends what time I get home from Scotland to get the Garmin charged up!


  1. It could be that the memory of the Garmin was full, Will. Same happened to me. You need to clear the data to go forward. I cleared everything but I think it gives you options to clear all or parts.

  2. Thanks Terry. I'll give that a go when I get home.
