My philosophy...

'The road to success is a painful journey through the Wilderness with various obstacles man has to overcome. The journey has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but man will rise victorious eventually. The human body is designed to deal with everything you throw at it; never give up fighting and you will never lose the fight.'

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Mixing it up

I set out with the intention of going to Skipton Woods yesterday and hitting out a really hard session. This would consist of an 8 minute warm up, followed by 14 x 2 minute reps with 1 minute jog recovery followed by a 10 minute warm down. The Garmin didn't have any juice in however and after my first effort switched itself off. This meant I had no awareness of how long I would be running for whatsoever.
I decided to vary my efforts from long to short and just run the recovery as I felt appropriate. I picked landmarks in the woods, for example running from a bench to a bridge. It worked very well and it was a very good session - I felt incredibly strong. To hazard a guess, I would say the longest effort was around 3 minutes and the shortest around 30 seconds. In reality it was more of a Fartlek session but a very good one at that. Skipton Woods is good firm forest tracks and I felt to be flying even over the stiff climbs I snuck into various efforts.
I worked out that altogether I did 12 efforts so not too far short of the planned 14 and altogether I was out for 49 minutes (8 min W/U, 31 mins, 10 min W/D). A good day's training and it was very enjoyable mixing it up rather than the normal repetitive nature of these sessions. Role on Sunday where I may mix it up again with a hard mile followed by an easy mile rather than the normal continuous long run! This may be particularly beneficial as I feel my weakness is in speed endurance; I have the speed as well as endurance for a slow pace but not for keeping up a continuous fast pace - Just like I faded in the final third on Wednesday as I failed to live up to the 12.30 ish pace I had set in the first half of the race. Hopefully Sunday will be a start to countering this weakness.

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