My philosophy...

'The road to success is a painful journey through the Wilderness with various obstacles man has to overcome. The journey has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, but man will rise victorious eventually. The human body is designed to deal with everything you throw at it; never give up fighting and you will never lose the fight.'

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Where to start?

Well, I've been busy revising for exams so I'm sorry to say that the blogging and the running have both taken a back seat for a while. Last time I blogged, I'd had that fantastic KM rep session. I went on to complete a hill session, and then a Fartlek session to hit 35 for that week. I then set about the task of resting for Blencthara Fell Race - a mid week race up in the Lakes over 8 miles with nearly 3000' ft of ascent. Sadly, my legs haven't quite made the adjustment to climbs like that yet and so I found the climbs really tough, but managed to fly on the flatter bits which was pleasing. That set me thinking though: I need to get some strength in my legs. Since then, I've thought about how I'm going to do this and I've decided to introduce road cycling into my weekly programme as well as another hill session, which will take prioirity over that '10 x 4 mins off 2 mins recovery session' which I don't feel I need when I have a hill session which is very similar, as well as a KM Rep session.
So, since Blencthra I've done a bit of cycling and some steady running. I found the ultimate hill for the shorter hill rep session (around 1 min climb, jog down efforts drop till your dead routine) which is now being incorperated into the week's training. So this week I plan to do some speed work tomorrow, a long bike ride on Tuesday and then, either some hill reps on Thursday or possibly a race for a BOFRA up at Kettlewell a week today. I'll keep you posted!

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